Spring pet safety is coming up rosesAh, spring. If there is ever a time to cut loose, embrace the moment, and abandon all the rules, it’s this suspended moment on the calendar. We love this idea, but in practice there is never a better time to stay on course. The bugs are waking up (and they are hungry!), and there’s an abundance of potentially dangerous plants in bloom. Speaking of plants, you may not be the only one in the house cursing the effects of allergies!

To be sure, spring pet safety should be on every pet owner’s mind this time of year. By paying close attention to the inherent risks, you and your pet can really begin to have fun this season.

May Flowers

The buds and blooms can be intoxicating during the weeks before summer hits its stride. Certainly, bringing cut flowers into the home poses a hazard to a curious pet, but it’s also the plants they might encounter while outside. Please be aware that the following plants can result in a poisoning or toxic overload to an unwitting pet:

  • All types of lilies (even the pollen can endanger a cat who sniffs or tastes it)
  • Azalea
  • Oleander
  • Sago palm
  • Tulips
  • Hyacinths
  • Daffodils
  • Cyclamen

Keepin’ It Green

There are loads of products on the market aimed at keeping your yard green, but some – especially those designed to kill insects and weeds – have the potential to poison your pet. Luckily, there are pet-safe products available to use on your yard and garden. When using any fertilizers, insecticides, or other pesticide-type products, be sure to keep your pet indoors and only let them back outside after products have safely dried.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is the time to deep clean the house and purge the garage of items stored over the past year. Your pet may not show an interest in chemical cleaners, but inhaling them or walking on the floor while wet can be dangerous. Try to keep your pet clear of products like paint, paint thinner, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, etc., and always be watchful for any behavioral changes, no matter how subtle they appear at first. Products, like antifreeze, must be stored securely and any spills or leaks cleaned up right away.

Remember Those Bugs?

Parasite prevention is the best way to keep your pet safe from fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes. If you have any questions about your pet’s year-round parasite prevention medication, we are always here to help you.

Getting Hot Out There

Many pets are always up for a ride in the car, but air trapped inside a parked vehicle can soar into the triple digits even when it’s comfortable outside. Because it’s never too early to be aware of the dangers of heatstroke, be sure to take your pet with you on errands or leave them at home where you know they’ll be safe.

Health and Spring Pet Safety

While seasonal allergies may not necessarily manifest in sneezing and watery eyes like they do for us, cats and dogs do react to changes in their environment. Itchy skin is primarily the result of allergies, and near-constant scratching, ear infections, and inflammation cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. Please seek help for your pet promptly.

Contact us for further information about spring pet safety. Our staff is always here for you!