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A dog laying on a table

Stress-Free Surgery for Your Pet

Sick dog after surgery

Finding out that your pet needs surgery can be a stressful experience. At Englishtown Vet MD, we understand this anxiety, and we work hard to provide surgical treatment in a relaxed and stress-free environment.

Our experienced veterinary team performs routine and elective surgeries at our fully-equipped medical facility. Your pet’s safety and well-being is always our top priority before, during, and after surgery. Our pet surgery services include:

  • Spays and neuters
  • Soft tissue surgery
  • Growth removals

What to Expect

A pre-surgery appointment is required prior to actual surgery so we can thoroughly examine your pet and make sure they are ready for treatment. We also review the entire process with you to help you understand exactly what’s involved in your pet’s surgery and what to expect during post-op and recovery.

  • A full physical exam and comprehensive medical review.
  • Pre-anesthetic bloodwork and screening.
  • General anesthesia with IV fluids and continuous monitoring.
  • Pain relief and/or post-op medications.
  • Detailed instructions on post-op care and recovery.
  • Follow-up appointments as necessary.

Our center is equipped with the latest in modern surgical equipment and diagnostic and monitoring technology. We work in a sterile environment under strict surgery protocols so you can rest assured that your pet will be safe and comfortable in our care.

If you have any questions about surgery for your pet at Englishtown Vet MD, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.