Excited dog in grass looking up.

It’s not the end of the world, but it can be inconvenient or embarrassing when a dog pees where they shouldn’t. Spontaneous urination is a common occurrence in younger or newly adopted dogs. While it’s usually just a sign that they need more training, a dog that pees when excited needs patience and support. 

The Reality Sets In

The first couple times your dog loses control, it might be endearing. But constantly cleaning up urine is not fun. Many dog owners experience frustration or confusion, but it’s crucial to stay as neutral as possible. By overreacting you could inadvertently reinforce the behavior and make it harder to redirect your dog’s behavior

Why Is This Happening?

Despite your dog leaking urine only when they become excited by visitors or by a certain toy/activity, it’s important to rule out potential medical concerns. Some health problems can lead to or directly cause a lack of bladder control, and should be treated. If your pup is otherwise healthy we can address their behavior.

A Dog That Pees When Excited

A leaky bladder is not uncommon in younger dogs new to housetraining, or pups that have been newly adopted. Sometimes, dogs pee when they are really happy. They can also leak urine when playing or when they greet new people or other animals. 

It is an age-appropriate behavior that gradually eases as a dog grows. That doesn’t make it any easier to live with until then, however.

How to Deal

If you know that your dog simply pees when excited, and are waiting for the behavior to fade, you can bide your time.

  • Investigate the exact triggers to know when to expect spontaneous peeing. 
  • Your dog may leak when you arrive home, during play or other high-touch times. Counteract this by greeting and playing with your dog outside. 
  • Stay calm and provide opportunities for your dog to demonstrate a skill, like sit or fetch.
  • When they pee outside, lay on the praise, affection and rewards.

Other Canine Issues

A dog that pees when excited may also be leaking urine because they are scared or doubtful of other people or animals in the house. Unfamiliar or intimidating individuals can create the same spontaneous urination as exciting stimuli. 

Never punish or scold your dog when they pee, as they may continue to pee as a result. Look for other signs of submission like cowering, tucking the tail between the legs, showing their belly, or whining. 

Training and Socialization

If your dog hasn’t been properly trained or socialized they will definitely benefit from continued opportunities. Doing so will help them gain trust and confidence in their surroundings and will have more control over their own abilities. Setting your dog up for success is one of the best things you can do for their lifelong health and happiness.

If you have additional questions or need help with a dog that pees when excited, please let us know.